BeeBold 5-5-5 Filter
It's important that we always speak truth and build trust with our ideal audience.
We make so much effort, spend so much time, and give our heart and passion to build our brand and create something that God has set before us. We have a mission from the King. That mission is so powerful and important. It's sacred.
We are living in such interesting times, to say the least.
These are times of trial and change. The world has become so small with social media at our fingertips. Never before have we all been so incredibly connected on such a grand scale, and yet, so unfortunately divided on so many levels. In a matter of seconds and minutes, our written and spoken words and the images we capture and post can be shared all around the world. That is something that we, as a society and as children of faith, often take for granted. Influence travels at lightning speed to such vast distances, as well as to the hearts and minds of those in our closest social circles.
When it comes to social media, many people feel that there is a great deal of flexibility on what and how to communicate, due to the obvious degree of "separation" between themselves and their audience.
We, as leaders in our field and representatives of our brand etc, have a responsibility to speak (and type) from a place of elevated consideration.
In times like this, it can be so tempting to impulsively post things to social media out of frustration, confusion, pressure, fear, emotion, the "need to be right," and react to others in a way that, in normal circumstances, would not be so intense. As leaders, we have a profound responsibility to guard, protect, and weigh the influence we have. It matters that we pause and consider before we post, comment, and engage on social media (and in-person). We will answer to God for all that we put out in the world.
In the summer of 2020, God laid it on my heart to pause and filter my thoughts and emotions. He gave me the 5-5-5 Filter concept as a way to help ensure that everything that I post and express on social media is in alignment with the message and brand He gave me to represent. He wants me to share this concept with others.
Before posting or commenting, try using this system to help you get grounded and gain perspective.
Here is how the 5-5-5 Filter works:
Imagine a bright yellow 5-point star. Draw this star to help you.
Now, draw a circle inside the circle of the star. This circle represents your post/content/comment.
Your content will be pushed through the light of the star.
At each point on the star, write ONE word that represents your brand/mission/purpose. Everyone will have a different 5 combination of words based on your brand and the purpose God set before you.
If you are about to post or comment, and the words and/or visuals you will share with the world will violate any of these words, then, it might be a good idea to pause, pray, rethink, rewrite, or delete etc.
5 HARD NO's:
These are 5 things/topics that you will NOT post about not participate in on social media or in groups.
It's important that we know what we will NOT do just as much as what we will do.
It's about boundaries and guarding your heart and mind, which in turn, protects that hearts and mind of your audience.
Again, everyone is different, and everyone's boundaries are different. You know what "triggers" you and gets your spirit and soul worked up. Protect yourself and others by setting boundaries.
These are 5 things/topics that are truths for you. They are things that, no matter what others do, you will post about it, because it's in absolutely alignment with who you are and what your values are.
Stand strong on these truths and what you KNOW is right.
Remember, we are to share these truths, but in a way that does not violate the other filter points. This is why we pause, consider, and pray always, in order to post with integrity on behalf of the Kingdom of God.
When in doubt, refer to Philippians 4:8. It's the best filter of them all.
The BeeBold 5-5-5 Filter Guide helps you ensure that all you put out in the world (whether via social media or in-person), stays true to who you are and what your brand represents...always.
Grab a copy of the BeeBold 5-5-5 Filter Guide. CLICK HERE and simply enter your email address for FREE ACCESS to the PDF!
CHECK OUT THIS FACEBOOK POST where Kelly explains how she uses this BeeBold 5-5-5 Filter Guide.